Monday, March 31, 2008

Santiago De Compostela Day 2

Well this day was a lot more productive in the whole getting to know the place that I am in aspect of things. We woke up that next morning, really whenever we wanted, although breakfast was between 8:30 and 9. So we got ready for the day, went to breakfast which was the same enjoyable croissant, bread and hot chocolate that we had had the last couple of days in a row. After that we headed back up to our room to pack up our stuff and throw it into one of the rooms that are usually used for sitting and resting, something that could be considered a lobby but was separate from the check-in desk, and then me ,Cassi, and Missy headed out to check out what we had missed the night before. Its not a huge city, so we were able to make it back to the cathedral area, which is where just about everything on our list of suggested things to do was, fairly quickly. We tried to do some shopping on the way there but Santiago stores open even later than the stores in the rest of Spain do, so it ended up being more of a nice mid-morning stroll by the store windows, and then a game trying to remember the stores that looked good, and where they were so that we could come back and check them out later. We wandered past some of the sites on the list of suggested places, most of them were parks and convents and such, then eventually re-found the stores that we had liked before, and did our shopping. By the time we had hit most of the stores that we could remember where they were, it was about noon, which is when Missy and Cassi were going to go eat lunch at a little Chinese place. I am not a big fan of Chinese food, especially not when I am in Spain. So we headed back to the hotel, where I met another group who was just heading out to occupy some time before we had to be back at the bus at 2.
So we walked out the door of the hotel and after much debate, decided that we should turn left and head up the hill and see if there was anything more up that way that we had not yet seen. So we wandered for a while, window shopping, kinda talking to the locals, until we reached another street that had a big, modern art piece on the corner of it which was just a bunch on metal plates screwed together to form something that looked like a giant blade of grass sticking out of the ground. We decided that this would be a good place to go another direction, and someone started walking down the street, so then the rest of us followed. It was a good choice! We found a half pipe type thing that Andrew decided would be cool to pretend that he had a skate board and run up and down it, jumping on both sides of it. Really he just looked kinda funny running up and down this half-pipe, but I got some pretty sweet pictures of him with his camera when he was jumping, and then when he decided it would be a good idea to try back flips on the half-pipe, too. He had a few successful tries, but all that was kinda overlooked when his last attempt failed and he fell on his head. He was just fine, so it was really funny and we all got a really good laugh out of it. We continued to walk down the dirt path that was by the now not so liked half-pipe and came upon one of the greatest inventions that I have ever seen! It was an outdoor gym!!! Who needs Gold’s Gym?! This place had little inclined benches where you could do crunches, a chest press, a rowing thing, something to work off the love handles, and oh so much more! It was amazing!!! I think its really there for people who are older and it will help them with range of motion and such because everything was just run by man power using your own body weight as resistance, but I am still sore in my abs from it! So I was thinking about bring it back to America! I am convinced that it would help the obesity problem, and I could cancel by Gold’s member ship! Haha! Well we were all pretty excited about this discovery, so we played here for a quite a while which I guess would be a good explanation for my soreness. When we were finally done playing around, it was time to go back to the hotel and load up on the bus. So we walked back, but as we know time has really no meaning to anyone in the group, so by the time we were all on the bus, in our seats and ready to go, it was around 2:30, and we settled in for the long drive to León.

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