Saturday, January 12, 2008

Day One

Well... I finally got here! And let me tell you what... sitting on your butt all day in a plane sure is exhausting! Haha! I left Utah around 11 and spent the entire rest of the day flying from Chicago to Philadelphia, and then finally took the 7 hour plane ride to Spain, where I think I got a total of 10 minutes of sleep! But I did get a complimentary dinner (chicken and potatoes) and breakfast (a danish and OJ) which was good! But I was exhausted to say the least!
When we got off the plane, things weren't too bad! They even had English on the signs so I wasn't too confused! Yay! We then met with just about everyone else who had come that day and took off to a bus that was waiting for us, picked up the people who had come yesterday and made our way to the Plaza.
This is where me and Paige (my new roommate) met the family that we will be living with for the next 3 months! They are really nice and really talkative, but the only thing is... I just can't understand a thing that is coming out of their mouths! I hope its just the lack of sleep and therefore lack of concentration on anything that is doing this to me, but this whole all Spanish all the time thing is crazy! Luckily as me and Paige talk to each other in the native language of Spain, things are starting to come back to me, but I'm still so novice in my Spanish skills, its kinda embarrassing! But... I do have 3 months to work it all out!

We also had our first adventure today while trying to walk around the city of Alcala (where we are living, its right outside of Madrid) and find the college that we'll be going to. Accoring to our family, its only about a 20 minute walk, which isn't too bad seeing as I did that everyday at BYU anyways, but... surprise... we got lost and ended up walking around the city for about an hour before we decided to go home. Well I guess Paige decided to go home and I followed seeing as I had no idea where we were! But it all worked out! I think I will now go to bed and see if somehow I can get over this jet lag before church tomorrow!

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